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标题: 招募使用social/dating app (Rela or HER) 的在澳华人女性用户 [打印本页]

作者: 冬眠的菠萝    时间: 2019-5-18 12:03
标题: 招募使用social/dating app (Rela or HER) 的在澳华人女性用户
我是昆士兰科技大学(QUT)传播学院数字化媒体研究中心(DigitalMedia Research Centre)的在读博士生。我的博士课题是“热拉与HER:在澳中国酷儿女性使用约会app文化的现状研究” (Relaand HER: A Study of Dating Application Cultures among Chinese Queer Women inAustralia)。该课题已通过QUT伦理委员会的审核 (批准编号:1900000327)。具体来说,我的课题聚焦于探索不同的社会与文化语境(例如中国与澳大利亚的文化环境,尤其是在移民和跨文化适应的过程)是如何影响继而塑造中国女性使用lesbian social/dating app的经历的,以中国目前最受欢迎的lesbian social app热拉 (Rela)和西方文化语境下最受欢迎的lesbian dating app HER为例。
(a) 年龄在18周岁及以上
(b) 在中国 (中国大陆,香港,台湾,澳门)生活过,目前居住在澳大利亚(如国际学生目前在澳大利亚学习或已移民澳大利亚的定居者)
(c) 使用过两个app热拉(Rela)和HER中的任何一个
QUT 邮箱:[email protected]
WeChat: HarrietQ

Dear all,
My name is Haili Li, a PhD student from Digital MediaResearch Centre (DMRC), School of Communication, Queensland University ofTechnology (QUT). My PhD topic is 'Rela and HER: A Study of Dating ApplicationCultures among Chinese Queer Women in Australia', focusing on exploring howdifferent social and cultural contexts (e.g. Chinese and Australian contexts)influence and shape Chinese women's experiences of using lesbian social/datingapps such as Rela and HER, especially during the acculturation process. Thisproject has been approved by the QUT ethics research committee (QUT EthicsApproval Number 1900000327).
Now it is at the stage of data collection (participantrecruitment) for my PhD project. As I will use the semi-structured in-depth interviewto interview 30 users of Rela and/or HER, I would like to invite individualswho meet the following requirements to complete a 1 hour interview
(a) aged over 18
(b) Chinese women who have lived in China but currentlyliving in Australia (e.g. Chinese international students who study inAustralia, migrants)
(c) past or present users of Rela and/or HER
(d) district of origin in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,or Macau
If you are interested in my project, or want to know moreabout this project, or have any questions, please feel free to contact me atany time. The interview question list will be sent to you at least 3 daysbefore your interview. The interview could be conducted with face-to-facemethod, and online method (e.g. audio chats through WeChat/ Skype/WhatsApp). Youwill also be reimbursed the public transportation fee, parking fee and will besent the QUT earphones as a gift for your time contribution. All of yourpersonal information and interview contents will be protected by the QUT ethicsrules. No information will be leaked.
If you know some friends around you who might also beinterested in participating in the interview, could you please forward this informationto them, or your social network?
Thank you very much! I am looking forward to your reply!
My contacts:
QUT email: [email protected]
WeChat: HarrietQ
Best wishes


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