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标题: 食 品 廠 誠 聘 – Next to IKEA Logan [打印本页]

作者: samchuang33    时间: 2022-1-31 14:34
标题: 食 品 廠 誠 聘 – Next to IKEA Logan
體力好,待遇佳,最少~30-38小時/星期,有年假 ,病假,公共假日工資,加上退休金,按照政府規定
7:00am- 5:00pm Mon-FriCasual / Part time
南區 next to IKEA,需自備車,或可坐火車到Loganlea火車站,要稅務號碼。
有意請洽或寫SMS: 0408338012 Sam
FoodFactory Worker Wanted!
Lookingfor 2 male worker, preferably with factory experience, good attitude, willingto work and co-operate
Min30-38hrs/week,Holiday, Sick pay, Annual Leave, annual leave loading. plus super on top allincluded according to government regulation,
Casualor Part time, start immediately, Student Visa Welcome
Staffwith good attitude and good learning ability get increase pay within first monthafter starting.  Normal working hours between 7:00am to 5:00pm Mon-Fri
Factorynear Ikea in Logan city, require own transport or can catch train to LoganleaStation, require tax file number
Wewill provide all boots, jackets, apron before work starts
Pleasecall or SMS details to Sam 0408338012

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