Enter between 3.00am and 9:30am, exit between 12.00 Noon and Midnight same day and pay $20 only. Terms, conditions and quotas apply, must park on Level P4, Red or as directed by attendant.
*Normal casual rates apply for parking outside of these conditions.
*Public Holidays Excluded
Night rates (Must enter after 4PM)
•0 - 30 minutes $5.00
•30 - 1 hour $10.00
•Over 1 hour $15.00
•Maximum night rate to 7 AM the following day $15.00
*Charges recommence 7 AM daily
*Public Holidays Excluded
Weekend rates
•0 - 30 minutes $5.00
•30 - 1 hour $10.00
•Over 1 hour $15.00
•Maximum rate to 7 AM the following day $15.00
•Charges recommence 7 AM daily
*Public Holidays Excluded
Public holidays
•0 - 1 hour $13.00
•1 hour + $20.00
•Maximum public holiday rate to 7 AM the following day $20.00
•Charges recommence 7 AM daily
•Student discount does not apply
•Weekend shopping discount does not apply作者: 厉害 时间: 2011-2-11 09:18
Secure Park的价格,请看链接: http://www.secureparking.com.au/displaycarpark.aspx?carparkid=92作者: 好热 时间: 2011-2-11 21:07
多谢~~~看来还是别去city凑热闹了作者: Vivien,yan 时间: 2011-2-11 21:25
15作者: danny01 时间: 2011-2-12 00:56
应该是不同的地段收费不一样!地下一般都在10块一小时以上,地上一般都在3刀左右一小时作者: chenjin8897 时间: 2011-2-12 03:18
MYER有学生卡在一定时间停多长时间都是12不是吗作者: Magic8 时间: 2011-2-12 07:24
city路边的4刀/小时 夜晚7点后免费
city暂时发现最便宜的还是myer center-1:30PM之前进去 凭student id 18刀一天
-1:30pm之后进去 凭ID 8刀一天