5445 Master of Business (International tourism and hospitality management)
Course: 7201HSL Operations Management - A Service Industry Approach
Title: Operations Management (6 th ed.) 55
作者及出版商 Slack. N., Chambers, S., & Johnston, R. (2010). Essex: Prentice Hall.
Course: 7206HSL International Business of Tourism and Hotel Management
Title: Global Business Today: An Asia Pacific Perspective 55
作者及出版商 Hill, C.W.L., Cronk, T., & Wickramasekera, R. (2008) McGraw-Hill/Irwin, Boston, Mass.
此书为1st ed,与2nd ed内容完全一致,只有CASE不同,随书附送新版CASE及课件。
Course: 7216HSL Managing Financial Resources in Tourism, Event and Sport
Title: Accounting Essentials for Hospitality Managers. (2nd ed.) 45
作者及出版商 Guilding, C. (2009). Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
此书是与同学share, 可能笔记较多,附送完整课件及课后作业练习。
Course: 7204HSL Strategic Management in Tourism, Event and Sport
出售打印版本。 20
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