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标题: Resume massage求職_美容,按摩 [打印本页]

作者: re0706re0706    时间: 2012-6-2 11:58
标题: Resume massage求職_美容,按摩
My name is Ching Ju Chiang ,I come from Taiwan.Before I came to Brisbane I was a beautician work in L’Occitane petit SPA have 4 years ago. I can do facial and body massage.I have to study every Monday~Friday ,and I can work at weekend. my number:
[color=rgb(73, 83, 90) !important][backcolor=transparent !important]            0421-011-938      
[email protected]

我的名字是江靜如,我來自台灣,之前我工作在台灣的L’Occitane petit SPA有四年了,我會做臉部保養及身體按摩,目前我每週一至周五都需上課,每個週末皆可工作,如能配合上貴公司的時間,請與我連絡,連絡方式如上,非常感謝!

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