等等这类的问题。何况你是针对华人群体,本来范围就小,就那么几个人叫你送,那你真是入不敷出了。。。作者: taurus25 时间: 2014-2-9 23:35
只要你价格有优势就能存活。就这么简单。想办法挤压利润把。作者: chen88 时间: 2014-2-13 19:01
已经投过票作者: khengco 时间: 2014-2-14 06:53
但要小心又小心计算成本做的到吗。作者: 大欣 时间: 2014-2-17 09:44
个人感觉,挑菜和水果还是亲自挑感觉比较好。作者: ann745 时间: 2014-2-18 09:57
蔬菜嘛 还是喜欢亲自选购作者: chen9 时间: 2014-2-20 19:06
投过票作者: han020573 时间: 2014-2-25 20:12
加上运费,很难卖的比Coles 便宜作者: jingzi 时间: 2014-2-27 23:29
刚刚投了票。感觉好像是学校的assignment有木有(设计一个survey啥啥啥的) 作者: jingzi 时间: 2014-2-27 23:31
前一阵买过两次送上门的粽子。不贵又好吃。这是个好主意呢!关键是广告要达到位。。。作者: jingzi 时间: 2014-2-27 23:32
还要选对消费地区和人群作者: 85Valhalla 时间: 2014-3-6 08:43
no, I enjoy shopping and chose the goods myself. Life here is too boring, shopping is only interest time to enjoy life.作者: 阿平 时间: 2014-3-6 19:54
想法不错估计执行起来就比较难,鬼佬大型超市都有这个服务,做鬼佬没问题,做华人的生意估计蛮难的,华人都喜欢便宜,前期1到2年要挺住,挺不住的话就别做了。在布村有点难度,在墨尔本和悉尼应该可以成功!作者: pbk8888 时间: 2014-3-12 09:20
It sounds good, but within in Chinese students community , I don't think you can get a lot of business out of there.
As students do not consume a lot of food anyway.
You should start with Aussie local people.作者: Babyrilakkuma 时间: 2014-6-26 15:44
Can't you guys see it says free shipping -_-
There is a company called A1 Fruit & Veg doing this business for a few years. Their target customers are local professional women, they deliver the boxes to the offices. Big box costs 42 dollars with all kinds of fruit and veg, namely, a bag of tomato, carrot, a bunch of banana, a bag of grapes, beas, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, brocoli, potatoes, onions, lettce, etc. Small box cost $32, they match the varity and you can't pick up as you want. They have regular clients who are happy with the quality. I don't think it will be popular in Chinese community where every cent will be valued. They won't allow you to earn your labour and transportation fees. The rich who can afford don't cook, the middle class think it's a waste of money. As a working mum, I think those boxes are worth of money. Thinking of those crowded, cheap, low quality fruit and veg speciality shops run by Muslins, I really appreciate this one.
A1 Fruit & Veg, Bill Heath, Mobile 0418 884 986 作者: conan_aj 时间: 2015-5-16 23:04
thank u for telling me that作者: fairyfloss 时间: 2015-5-27 09:19
對老人家和行動不便者是挺方便的~作者: 扭脖子 时间: 2015-6-17 22:33
有想法挺好的,要具体到细节。作者: cowassignment 时间: 2015-8-21 12:44
还没成立好吗作者: cowassignment 时间: 2015-8-24 13:49
招临时工吗?作者: haley.murphy 时间: 2015-9-30 16:10