买私人Health Insurance也是可以抵税的。特别是年薪7W以上的,不然要交medical levy surcharge。If you have a taxable income of more than $70k a year (for singles) or $140k a year (for a couple or family with one child*), your Medicare levy increases from 1.5% to 2.5% if you don't have the appropriate private hospital cover. 但是31岁以后退出私人保险会罚款。这个可以让买的筒子详细说说。LZ的原则是对一切insurance的态度为可免则免。。。比较普遍的health insurance有BUPA, MediBank, NIB, HCF. 一般公司会有某个insurance Company的折扣。大家留心一下employee benefits
LZ才疏学浅,不熟悉小生意的税务和self-managed super. 这个比较复杂建议找会计师专业做。一般会计师收费也就$300左右,而且这300还是可以抵税的。individual tax找个会计做也就是$150左右的价位。不过需要注意的是,如果会计报税出问题的话,ATO是直接找税务人的。责任在于税务人。税务人可以告会计师要求赔偿,但是很难证明别人没有达到reasonable business prudence... 所以告会计就别想了,要找一定要找好的,不然ATO罚款有的罚。。。
以前上班的地方听人讲过一个案子:Reed Business Information v Seymour。 讲的是Seymour拿公司的信息出去卖钱,也不是什么很复杂的信息,就是杂志社订阅者的地址邮箱之类的。结果法院要求他赔偿损失并把所有的钱没收并再也不许把confidential information公开
最近上课又学过一个案子:Consul Development v DPC,也是一个雇员拿公司的信息去赚钱,结果相同
Residential Tenancies Act 2010 s 52规定,房东必须保证房子in a reasonable state of cleanliness and fit habitation。所以房东必须除草,防霉,有漏水必须马上修,烤箱坏了必须马上修,空调坏了必须马上修,等等等等。但是如果是租客故意弄坏的呢?就麻烦了。有些东西是时间久了坏的,要证明租客使用不当是很困难的。所以一般来说,就是房东出钱修。。。
A rental property is negatively geared if it is purchased with the assistance of borrowed funds and the net rental income, after deducting other expenses, is less than the interest on the borrowings.
You can claim a deduction for certain expenses you incur for the period your property is rented or is available for rent. However, you cannot claim expenses of a capital nature or private nature (although you may be able to claim decline in value deductions or capital works deductions for certain capital expenditure or include certain capital costs in the cost base of the property for CGT purposes).
The annual mortgage interest, building insurance, rates and taxes for the whole property
图书馆可以去看书,WIFI到处都有。很多区平时都有广场舞。NSW/VIC ART GALLERY是免费的!!!- 这点很多人都不知道。。。 而且NSW ART GALLERY里面隐藏了地下一层二层。。。这点也很多人不知道。而且地下一层还隐藏了一副莫奈一副梵高一副毕加索 - 虽然都不是大师的顶级作品,但其实还是可以的。真心觉得VIC的美术馆比NSW好不知道几个档次,里面的Monet的Vetheuil是世界级的名画不算,还有各种拿得出手的辉煌作品!!!严重跑题了。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。