转自:澳大利亚留学网 最近澳大利亚技工评估机构TRA发表了一个新的通知,对于900小时的工作经验,要求发生了变化,TRA要求900小时实习必须满足澳大利亚工作劳资法。澳洲政府有着强有力的禁止剥削工人的法律,包括劳动市场里面的海外留学生。澳大利亚公平工作监察委员会可以随时调查由留学生提交的投诉,如果他们没有得到合适的工资、工作条件或者工作场所权力。澳大利亚留学网首席顾问黄文勇老师认为,是带薪工作那么最低工作工资约为每小时14多元澳币,而大部分900小时工作经验是没有工资或者严重低于法定工资的,这也就意味着,这样的申请可能将被拒绝。我们提醒所有的TRA评估申请人一定注意材料是否合格,如值班时间表或者工资单(Payslip)就一定要包括在里面,同时我们也提醒在读的学生务必要提前开始准备相关工作时间的证明! 另外,TRA进一步规定,学校课程中的培训、学校开的对外营业的店面所提供的实习均不算900小时! 据总部位于澳大利亚的权威机构澳大利亚留学网调查,大部分留学生的900小时都是没有得到合适的最低工资,所以这些学生如何通过TRA的评估,确实令人担忧。最近各种媒体纷纷曝光900小时政策使得技工TAFE类的留学生(本科和硕士学生无需900小时实习)沦为不良雇主剥削的工具,所以估计政府受到了各方压力,才由TRA收紧了要求。当然,在我们看来,900小时就是个怪物,非常不合理,我们呼吁政府早日取消这个900小时的要求,并且呼吁TAFE学校也联合起来,为现有学生争取更多的权益,以减少新政策对老学生的不利影响. 如果您有更多问题,请联系澳大利亚留学网的注册移民代理,我们会全面的为您规划留学、移民的全套方案。请大家务必相互转告该新闻! 资料来源:http://www.deewr.gov.au/Skills/Programs/TRA/residenceVisa/Pages/faqRV.aspx#20 [url=]Does the evidence of work where you have demonstrated your skills in the occupation have to be paid?[/url] Your evidence of 900 hours of employment must meet Australian Government workplace relations laws. The Australian Government has strong laws in place to address any exploitation of workers, including international students employed in the labour market. The Fair Work Ombudsman can investigate complaints from international students if they consider they are not receiving the correct pay, conditions or workplace rights and enforce the Fair Work Act 2009 through Australia’s legal system. [url=]When can I complete the 900 hours employment required?[/url] The 900 hours employment can be gained before, during or after the acceptable formal training. The employment can be completed in Australia or overseas. Classroom instruction at a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and any workplace training specified as part of the training course structure, which occurred at either the RTO itself, at any RTO operated retail outlets or at a host workplace, does not contribute to the 900 hour employment requirement. |
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