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标题: 新人报道!关于UQ的入学选课及一些生活问题 [打印本页]

作者: 黑神牙膏    时间: 2010-2-25 05:14
标题: 新人报道!关于UQ的入学选课及一些生活问题

首先,本来是想去读Master of Business 里的 International Business,结果说GPA不够(往事不堪回首...)让我去读一个Graduate Diploma in Business program. 学校问过说没事照着读吧,但心里还是想通过大家确认一下这课程和原来的到底有什么分别。

然后是选课,本来递申请的时候选好了一些课,但现在对于这个Graduate Diploma in Business program很迷茫,不知道该怎么选...myis里好像没提供什么信息(或者我没找到),看看那位前辈有什么建议无私地分享一下?

最后是关于住宿,一般在st lucia上课,那里租房比较合算?


ps:  有没有人是2010 sem1 读Graduate Diploma in Business program的?预先认识一下 :)
作者: 黑神牙膏    时间: 2010-2-25 05:15
作者: 至尊小熊猫    时间: 2010-2-25 08:19
Semester 1已经开学了,你在哪儿呢?Graduate Diploma in Business program是没有硕士学位的。Diploma国内是不承认的
作者: Mr.Yuan    时间: 2010-2-25 12:01
放心读吧 只要你读了两个学期 就是说GP毕业后的GPA能够达到4.75以上 就能继续多读一个学期 申请master 那么最后拿的学位是一样的.

如果你有信心拿到4.75以上的话 选棵就直接按照master of business的来选就可以了.
作者: luketheminer    时间: 2010-2-25 13:04
GPA 4.75? Piece of cake, as long as you come to uni for every lecture, and study at your spare time occasionally.

Regarding to living, I personally perfer Indooroopilly. Here are some reasons.
1. St lucia is close to uni? YES or NO. It is close to uni physically, but it is most likely to take you 15 mins walking to uni. If you like to walk and climbing hills, off you go.
2. Then about shopping, you will have to catch a bus or drive to toowong for grocery shopping. If you don't have a car, sorry mate, but you are crewed. There is a grocery shop in St lucia, but the price and the quality may upset you.
3. Then rent is really over priced, you might expect to pay $150 for a single room, which not even have a ceiling fan.It is really ridiculous.
4. There could be quite noisy sometime depands on who your neibournes are. This is because most young uni students live there, and like to have party during weekend. That freaks me out, cos I have sleeping disorder. Police car does patrol around St Lucia, but doesn't really help.
5. Some people says toowong is better. Well, it is closer to city, but what for? If you can get all your needs at your door steps. Why bother go to city from time to time? In addtion, you still have to pay for the bus ticket or parking fees. I found the shopping center in Toowong is too small.  
6. Bus ticket cost has been modified, if you live in Indooroopilly, and using a go card, the cost is the same as if you catch a bus in St lucia to uni.

Why bother living in St Lucia? I really don't see the point.
I have been in Brizzy for 6 years, and living in St Lucia was my worst nightmare.
作者: cooldog_0125    时间: 2010-2-26 11:58
楼主我发现我和你居然是同一情况,我也要求读Graduate Diploma in Business program,我现在还在国内,我的QQ是50885300,可以加QQ一起探讨下吗

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