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楼主: billylaw22
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(請注意入行性質) 絕世老外好老闆 , 長期招聘的士司機 ! (此貼長期有效)

anythingokay 发表于 2012-9-4 11:11:03 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖

$645 Taxi driver license

本帖最后由 anythingokay 于 2012-9-4 11:16 编辑

must legally to work in australia. at least 1 year OPEN license.

before apply for the trainning course, you need to pass the english assessment fee $77.

taxi trianning course fee$470

monday to friday 9am - 4pm ,holden st ,woollongabba
also, got home work need to be complete. every night.
final exam on friday.

plus taxi license fee
one year taxi license fee$133

plus uniform
1 long sleeve shirt&1 pair of tabs$42

$470+$42+$133=$ 645

any inquiry please call 33915955 ext 223

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