phoebeyx 发表于 2014-1-3 11:04:05
走路去garden city车站750米 (约8分钟) 公交车直达city, UQ, GU, sunnybank, Logan city等等很多地方
一间特大主人房 和单人间招租
房间里配有Queenside床 study table 书架 独立的更衣室跟卫生间
家里保持的很干净 整洁 绝不是那种脏脏的无人管理的房子 单人与另两个single share厕所和浴室
其中一间单人间即可入住 另一间10/01起至2月初 短租价格$100pw 2月后恢复正常价格$155pw
主人房02/01入住 短租价格$180 双人$200 2月后恢复$230pw $260双人 如有想包吃加$40PW
地址:2 shirland st, Macgregor
只招爱干净 不吵闹 作息正常的房客
用的网络是目前最快的telstra500G光缆 欢迎度假旅游或长租
欢迎看房有意者联系 Mei 0416 818 061 QQ 499544062
One spacious master room and two single room for rent. Less than 10min walking to Garden City bus stop and the shopping centre.
Very convinient location with express bus connections to City, UQ, GU, Sunnybank, Logan city. etc..
Fully furnished room with Queen-size bed, study table,ensuit,bookshelf and your own toliet and bathroom
Single room feautred with double bed, study table, bookshelf ect...
This is a two storey house, all rooms are upstairs
The house is very clean and tidy
Don't miss it, you are welcome to inspect the room.
Holiday Special till early Feburary:
Masteroom $180(for one) and two single room $100pw each room
Price will back to normal from Feburary.($230 Masteroom and $155 Single room) if you need package room single $200 master $260
both long and short term welcomed
we are using fastest internet service from Telstra 500G.
sorry pets are not allowed
Contact Phoebe 0431 447 209 or email: [email protected]
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