本帖最后由 franciszhao 于 2011-10-17 12:56 编辑
1101AFE Accounting Principles $85
1101AFE Accounting Principles, Compiled from: Accounting Horngren, C.T., Harrison, W.T., Bamber, W., Best, P.J., Fraser, D.J. & Willett, R. (2009). (6th ed). French's Forrest, Sydney: Pearson Education Australia. ISBN: 978-1-442-529-854
1003MKT Introduction to Marketing $70
Marketing. 2010. Elliott, G., Rundle-Thiele, S., Waller. D. John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., Brisbane. ISBN number - 978 0 470 81965 4
两本一起的话 $150
1303AFE Economics for Managers $70 (90% new)
Required Reading:
Gans J, King S, Stonecash, R and Mankiw N (2005) Principles of Economics (3rd Ed) Thomson, Victoria.
1304AFE Business Statistics $55 (95% new, it is the old version, but the content is the same as the new)
Selvanathan A, Selvanathan S, Kellar G, Warrack B (2009) Australian Business Statistics (Abridged 4th Edition) Thomson
1011IRL Employment Relations $60 (98% new)
Allan, C., McPhai, R. and Wilkinson, A. (2009) 2nd Edition. Introduction to Employment Relations, Pearson Education Australia, Frenchs Forest NSW
1001MGT Management Concepts $30 (good condition but the old version)
送所有能找到的lecture note和考试习题、资料
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