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    [其他] Queensland police to lower tolerance level for speeding motorists a fourth time









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    爱车勋章YoCar Club成员优秀版主末日勋章2012龙年勋章好"色"勋章水区良民勋章猪猪勋章懒人勋章危险人物射手座勋章版主喵萌主勋章圆月勋章OZYOYO新改版纪念勋章砍手党勋章2014马到成功勋章2013蛇年勋章2014巴西世界杯纪念勋章

    蓝哥哥 发表于 2014-4-4 09:12:19 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
    1033 0


    THE number of kilometres per hour motorists are allowed to creep over the speed limit before receiving a ticket will be cut for the fourth time since last July.

    Police will today announce tolerance margins will be further reduced in time for the busy Easter holiday break.

    The last change in January in 40, 50 and 70km/h zones resulted in a 26 per cent jump in speeding offences detected on Queensland roads.

    Other reductions in September and July last year produced a similar outcome, generating millions of extra dollars in speeding fines.

    A Queensland Police Service spokesman said today’s reduction coincided with the start of Operation Crossroads, a joint Australia-New Zealand initiative designed to reduce the number of serious injury and fatal traffic crashes during the holiday period.

    “Extra police will be out in force targeting the Fatal Five across Queensland roads,” the spokesman said.

    Police will not say what the new tolerance margins are but they are believed to bring Queensland closer in line with other states.

    “Drivers should always drive to the conditions and never exceed the speed limit,” the spokesman said.

    “The speed limit is the maximum speed permissible. It is not a guide.”

    Police are in no doubt the harder line on enforcing speed limits has contributed to this year’s improvement in the state road toll.

    Although 51 people have lost their lives in road crashes in 2014 to date, at the same time last year the figure was 75.

    At yesterday’s launch of Fatality Free Friday which is scheduled for May 30, Assistant Health Minister Chris Davis spoke of the “enormous anguish” caused by the loss of a family member to road trauma.

    Dr Davis lost his stepdaughter Jessica Lindley-Jones, 18, when her car hit a tree in northern NSW.

    “I beg that, over the Easter holidays, please drive with attention, drive with consideration, be aware of the Fatal Five,” Dr Davis said.

    Police Minister Jack Dempsey said most road deaths were avoidable.

    “I make no apology for police being out there in full force, enforcing the road rules.”

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