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    [其他] 澳大利亚当地论坛:中国和澳大利亚打,谁会赢? (看看澳洲鬼佬是如何看待中国的)









    Rank: 48Rank: 48Rank: 48

    crysisbilly 发表于 2011-6-15 13:15:19 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
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    War China vs Australia, Who will win?
      Whichever tries to invade the other will lose. The home ground advantage is worth 50 divisions on its own. China has more people. Australia has more money per capita and much better technology. In terms of military spending - China $US 61,036,400,000, Australia $US 24,802,000,000. For one to invade the other they need to transport a big enough army across the sea. Neither side has enough ships, and even if they did ships are hard to replace and vulnerable to attack by cheap weapons from the air (something the Japanese discovered in the second world war).
      Andrew wrote:
      Whichever tries to invade the other will lose. The home ground advantage is worth 50 divisions on its own. China has more people. Australia has more money per capita and much better technology.
      Andrew, you’’ve got to be joking. Even more than usual.
      There’’s only the slightest of homeground advantages to be had against one of the world’’s largest armies.
      And a wealth per capita ratio is almost meaningless with a 1 billion difference in populations. Besides what does it matter that Australians have two cars and a flat screen when we’’re talking about the comparative economic capabilities of nations?
      Similarly the level of technology (and I’’m not sure that we have the upper hand there) of the military will only yield a slight advantage when overwhelmingly outnumbered.
      Yeah that’’s not an unreasonable assessment. The logistics of getting to Australia by ship would be difficult - but I’’d imagine the easiest route would be through SEA as per the Japanese example.
      Then it’’s game over.
      Little Boy
      Adelaide, Australia
      Here are some facts about Chinese army. The Chinese army has always been specialised in land-based troops. The reason is because of the "defending the motherland" mentality (history proves it, in ancient time, China was the most powerful nation in the world. Yes, the world. And even then, they didn’’t have any interest at all conquering the world beside attacking those who attacked them first, instead, sent treasure fleets to give gifts and trading with any nations it encountered).
      Over the years, the Chinese has been modernising its army and the largest budget being spent on was their ground forces, People’’s Liberation Army. They spent money on guns, artilleries, military equipments and especially tanks where their tanks are hugely concentrated on and almost on par with US tanks in term of technology (seriously, there was a photo I’’ve seen somewhere of a MASSIVE Chinese tank with THREE CANNONS on it).
      After that stage, they turn their attentions to fighter planes and gunships. Their most recently developed gunships were Z-11, developed not long ago.
      Of all that military development, their navy has been seriously ignored. So far, only one new Chinese ship was created. Seriously, just one. Oh and that nuclear submarine and there aren’’t a lot of them either.
      So you tell me, why would the Chinese risk their troops invading an enemy that involves ships? Their armies are pretty much designed for defense.
      中国军队一直都是专攻陆地战。原因是 “保家卫国”的心理(历史证明,在古代,中国曾是世界上最强大的国家,对,是世界上。甚至,他们从没有兴趣战胜世界,除了回击那些先攻击他们的国家,而且,他们还派遣珠宝船只,沿途送礼物给其它国家,跟他们贸易)。
      Australia does not have to worry about China for now because the US, but in the next 20 years or so the Pacific rim will be a very different place. In 20 years a fully developed China vs a tiny Australia will be not much of a contest.
      McCain wrote:
      Andrew, Why China need send troop to Aus if there is a war?
      China may has as many ICBMs as US has. I guess just 5 will be enough...
      a big H one for Syd and canberra, one A for Mel, one A for Bris, one A for Perth, one for A for Adelaide.
      Then game over!!!
      The use of nukes would completely defeat the whole purpose of invading a country, you want a country as intact as possible, not just a patch of dirt with some craters in it.
      Besides China wouldn’t bother to invade us it would be much more cost effective to simply buy as much or as little of Australia as they please, “country for sale going cheap”.
      China would kick our arse 1000 times over!
      Shazza and Dazza
      Sydney, Australia
      f!_!ckin chinese!! they wont win a war with Australia, they are good at ethnic cleansing... if it wasnt for the United States of America there would be no china or Australia. the Japanese took over china within 48 hours, the chinese were 10 times the population of Japan.
      Eric L
      Shazza and Dazza wrote:
      f!_!ckin chinese!! they wont win a war with Australia, they are good at ethnic cleansing... if it wasnt for the United States of America there would be no china or Australia. the Japanese took over china within 48 hours, the chinese were 10 times the population of Japan.
      Wrong, Try the Japanese attempted to take over China for 14 years and failed. The Japanese Ichigo Offensive happened in 1944 and was a failure. China was one of the big 4 powers at the end of World War II.
      【引用Shazza and Dazza
      错,日本人想要控制中国,花了14年时间,失败了。日本的一护攻击(Ichigo Offensive)在1944年,败了。在二战结束后,中国是四大巨头之一。
      Grantville, Australia
      Andrew wrote:
      Whichever tries to invade the other will lose. The home ground advantage is worth 50 divisions on its own. China has more people. Australia has more money per capita and much better technology. In terms of military spending - China $US 61,036,400,000, Australia $US 24,802,000,000. For one to invade the other they need to transport a big enough army across the sea. Neither side has enough ships, and even if they did ships are hard to replace and vulnerable to attack by cheap weapons from the air (something the Japanese discovered in the second world war).
      andrew you are an idiot, or youa trouble maker from india or a muslim country. why did you create such a stupid thread like this that is just trouble making and stirring, your acting like a childish delinquent. Australians are peaceful people and long have been so, so why are you trying to act like an american?
      Greenwich, Australia
      It took nearly every Army in the United Nations just to keep China at bay in korea, if it had been Australia alone the Korean peninsula would now be unified under a communist dictatorship!
      Melbourne, Australia
      Andrew wrote:
      Whichever tries to invade the other will lose. The home ground advantage is worth 50 divisions on its own. China has more people. Australia has more money per capita and much better technology. In terms of military spending - China $US 61,036,400,000, Australia $US 24,802,000,000. For one to invade the other they need to transport a big enough army across the sea. Neither side has enough ships, and even if they did ships are hard to replace and vulnerable to attack by cheap weapons from the air (something the Japanese discovered in the second world war).
      before worrying about the chinese In china..u may wanna worry about the ones OUTSIDE china...ummm like INSIDE Australia LMAO
      concentration camps maybe.. lol
      but dont worry, us muslims we will help u in that..defending your home is jihaaad.. i will be happy to defend australia
      Melbourne, Australia
      louis wrote:
      <quoted text>
      andrew you are an idiot, or youa trouble maker from india or a muslim country. why did you create such a stupid thread like this that is just trouble making and stirring, your acting like a childish delinquent. Australians are peaceful people and long have been so, so why are you trying to act like an american?
      lets cut the crab now.. u went to iraq and Afghanistan even though u werent attacked at home. thats not peace full, thats called being in a gang.. we all know USA commited war crimes in iraq... and australia was there helping USA. sooooo
      John Howard
      Forest Hills, NY
      The fact is that China already won a war against Australia without firing a single shot. Our nation’’s economy has become highly dependent on Asia, and China in particular, their investment in our nation has grown exponentially and their economic shadow continues to grow. The entire Western world is currently in a severe financial crisis, both the US and Europe, but Australia is still growing? Why? Trade with Asia and ever closer ties with China. Its a fact of Australian life, that this rising Asian giant is putting food on our tables and allowing us to prosper. That power is greater than any Armed Force, so effectively they already conquered our nation. Even on recent opinion poll, more Australians viewed China favorably than they did the US or UK.
      John Howard
      Forest Hills, NY
      Australia at this point will never involve itself in any hostility towards China, our Aussie economy relies to heavily on trade with this rising Asian giant. Such a scenario of war with China is inconceivable and its a fact of life that they are destined to dominate our region of the world.
      Canberra, Australia
      To many war video games out there, a whole new generation of warmongers are rising!!!
      Australia vs China = Only a fool would do such a thing.
      Shazza and Dazza
      Sydney, Australia
      Eric L wrote:
      <quoted text>
      Wrong, Try the Japanese attempted to take over China for 14 years and failed. The Japanese Ichigo Offensive happened in 1944 and was a failure. China was one of the big 4 powers at the end of World War II.
      the japs didnt take the whole of china, alot of china’’s land was gone due to japanese invasion and they caused alot of damage to chinese infrustructure and people.Again if the United States hadnt stepped in, most parts of Asia would be under Japanese rule.
      【引用Eric L:
      错,日本人想要控制中国,花了14年时间,失败了。日本的一护攻击(Ichigo Offensive)在1944年,败了。在二战结束后,中国是四大巨头之一。】

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    游客  发表于 2011-6-15 13:31:06
    回复 1# crysisbilly


    陶潜 发表于 2011-6-15 13:47:49 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖

    LZ一方面对国际关系大加议论, 似乎心系天下,另一方面签名里却曝露了狭隘,阴暗的心理状态.

    正符合他的一贯作风: 表面上冠冕堂皇,  背地里阴险小人. 交朋友要当心这种人.
     楼主| crysisbilly 发表于 2011-6-15 13:57:24 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
    简直是太有趣了, 论剑版块的一大特色啊
    甲壳虫 发表于 2011-6-17 20:03:26 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
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