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求租indooroopilly, taringa, toowong房子









Rank: 3Rank: 3Rank: 3

Sherrys 发表于 2012-6-23 00:31:53 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
1014 6


女生求租indooroopilly或者taringa或者toowong, 近uq一间房间。七月初。

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happyjohn 发表于 2012-6-23 10:11:57 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
huayi 发表于 2012-6-25 15:14:42 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
位于布理斯本Fitzgibbon走十分钟到CARSELDINE火车站前往city的QUT大学。家门前有328巴士站到附近的TAFE学校,交通便利,有两单间房出租,房子(House)新建只有一年,家具电器新的。包水电上网费。大房周租金$150,小房周租金$110,租赁适合爱干净的中国留学生。如果在附近上班人士也是不错的选择,不准抽烟。房东是中国家庭主妇,会煮拿手的粤菜,可包煮饭。每天三攴即早.午.晚三攴收伙食费$100/周。有意者请电:陈小姐 0466997206
chrisfz 发表于 2012-6-25 18:51:11 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
 楼主| Sherrys 发表于 2012-6-25 22:26:04 来自手机 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
chrisfz 发表于 2012-6-25 18:51

mlim 发表于 2012-6-26 00:27:47 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
http://bbs.ozyoyo.com/forum.php? ... %3D12%26typeid%3D12

Want a nice, pleasant place to live in Indooroopilly?

These are the following reasons why:
* Clean, respectful and supportive house mates
* Peaceful area with respectful neighbours
* Close to UQ bus lines – 30 second walk away from 428, 427 and 432
* Close to Indooroopilly train station – 5 minute casual walk
* Close to Indooroopilly Shopping Centre – 10 minute casual walk
* Close to Indooroopilly Centro (Coles) – 6 minute casual walk

The follow are details about the room available for rent and the facilities available:
* Bedroom is furnished with its own balcony and bathroom (containing shower and toilet)
* Kitchen contains fridge, microwave, oven, dishwasher all pots and frying pans, cooking and eating utensils
* Dining room has 5 chairs, table, tv cabinet and tv
* We have a new washing machine and little storage space left in the garage
* There is also a spare open air carport if you own a car
* Internet is unlimited, wireless and secured

Current people who live here:

1.I am Australian Chinese (been here for over 20 years, can't speak or read Mandarin, but the rest of the housemates do), I am studying at QUT and I work part-time

2.My partner is from China, she works full time and studies part time
3.There is another girl from China who is working full time, she has already finished her Masters degree at UQ... and is now looking for another course to do
4.There is also another girl from China studying full time just transitioning into a Masters at UQ, and works part tim)

We have a pet cat that lives on the ground floor.  The room for rent is on the first floor and the other three bedrooms is on the second floor (so you would have more privacy, including your own bathroom too). The car is not allowed outside and it is also not allowed to go into any rooms.  Most of the time you won't see the cat - we only see it a couple of times a week because it's always hiding and plays by itself.

This is not just a place to rent, but a place you can call home. We all look out for each other too. Rent is $165 weekly payable every 2 weeks in advance plus bond (equal to 4 weeks rent).  Bills are not included within the rent; they are shared as they are used by house mates.  There is also regular rostered cleaning.  The room will be available to move in 25 June 2012.  Minimum stay of 7 months (until 31 Jan 2013). All tenants are of Chinese background and are friendly.

Contact Details:
Michael (sorry, I can't read and speak Mandarin)
[email protected]

vicks 发表于 2012-6-27 22:06:44 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
qut kg校区附近单人房  145 per week  交通非常方便
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