National Registered Acupuncturist: Dianna Liu Specialising in the treatments of: Pain symptoms (Headache, tension headache, migraine) Sport injuries (tennis elbow, ganglion, back shoulder, limbs) Torticollis (Stiff neck), Cervical spondylosis, Periarthritis of shoulder (omalgia), Brachial plexus neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprain Sequela of wind stroke, Facial pain, Facial paralysis。 Insomnia, Depression, Dementia , Vertigo. Common cold, Cough, Sore throat, Fever Chronic fatigue syndrome, Abstinence syndrome, Obesity, Lost weight, Senility Asthma; Indigestion, Vomiting, Heart burn /reflux, Gastralgia, Bellyache Jaundice, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Constipation Retention of urine, Enuresis, Impotence, Spermatorrhea Diabetes, hypertension.(high blood pressure) Women problem: Irregular menstruation, Dysmenorrheal, Amenorrhea. Herpes zoster, Hernia Neurodermatitis, Urticaria, Tinnitus, Deafness Acute and chronic sinusitis Other Therpy Methods: Scalp acupuncture, Auricular acupuncture. Cupping. Insurance Rebates available, Please contact me for more details. Website: Contact No: (07) 32731951, Mob:0432586828 address:22 Excelsa St., Sunnybank Hills, QLD 4109 注册针灸师运用针灸,刺血,拔罐,耳针治疗各种酸痛症: 如运动过量引起的关节,肌肉疼痛,网球肘,坐骨神经痛,关节炎,扭伤,挫伤,拉伤等。 因使用电脑而引起的颈椎痛,电脑手,落枕,慢性疲劳综合症等。 因作息时间不规律而引起的脾,胃,肠功能失调。 因繁重的作业而引起的失眠,多梦。 由于精神紧张而引起的抑郁症。 便秘,腹泻。 头痛,眩晕。感冒,咳嗽。 减肥。 感冒,咳嗽。 月经不调,痛经。 高血压。 皮肤瘙痒,湿疹,鼻敏感。 肾炎,阳痿,早泄。 面瘫,带状疱疹。 预约电话:(07)32731951 手机:0432586828 Website: 地址:22 Excelsa ST sunnybank hills. |