snail 发表于 2009-6-15 23:35:09
Exams will proceed as scheduled at The University of Queensland following advice that a student and a staff member have tested positive to H1N1 Influenza A (swine flu).
The student, a resident at St Leo's College, presented with symptoms at the University Health Services on Thursday. On Sunday, the University was notified that tests were confirmed positive. The student is in quarantine at his home in a regional centre. St Leos College is not closed or quarantined; this follows consultation with Queensland Health.
The staff member tested positive today (Monday, June 15) and is at home in accordance with Queensland Health advice.
There are 38,000 students and 6000 staff at The University of Queensland.
Executive Director (Operations) Maurie McNarn said the University was continuing with all normal functions including all examinations.
"Activities have not been cancelled. Face masks and hand gel, as a preventative measure, are available at exams to students who request them," Mr McNarn said.
"The University is in daily contact with Queensland Health to co-ordinate the management of individual cases of H1N1 Influenza A as they occur. The student and the staff member are undertaking the recommended course of treatment." |
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