本帖最后由 johnchan02 于 2015-8-31 15:03 编辑
活動名字:Suitcase Rummage
地點:BRISBANE CBD (圖書館前)
日子:9月6日 (星期天)
內容: 把你不需要的二手東西全部賣掉,是BRISBANE每月兩次的一個大活動,門票通常在一個月前就賣光,十分搶手
到時候,錢收到了,我會給你活動需要的QR CODE,每個買家有獨立的QR CODE,給工作人員掃描了之後,他們會安排位置,就可以開始進行擺攤的準備和開始賣東西,每次我都成功賣出不要的東西,有時候更可以和鄰近的攤子成為朋友,樂趣之多
QueenslandSuitcase Rummage is on regularly in Brisbane City, first and third Sunday of every month! We also host a special handmade Rummage at the Brisbane Powerhouse on the last Sunday of the month and host Pop Up Rummages in various locations around Queensland from time to time! If you’re interested in having a suitcase stall, please check out the information below. For Brisbane City events, registrations open one month in advance, the day after the first Rummage (i.e if there is a Rummage on Feb 3, registrations will open on Feb 4 for the following month of March).
價錢為:$27.5 (這是原價)SMS --》 0421150016