如題,三菱 2010款 Lancer ES Sedan, 四門 六速自動檔。里程數:131209公里. REGO有效期至2019年6月15日, 上個月才做過保養, 換新電瓶。 現在的輪胎是去年才購入安裝得。車子於2015年 自Chermside 的車商 Byrn Ford - Chermside 購入. 駕駛習慣良好, 通常往返於住家(Eight Mile Plains) 與 QUT KG校區和GP校區。
近期得到國內工作OFFER,開始為回國做準備,故出售此車。 車況良好,沒有冰雹損傷,車內不吸菸,平時都停在自家車庫。所有維修保養都有紀錄在冊。 如果有興趣,歡迎來看看。 聯繫電話 0420-260-700 Conrad, (小林)
2010 Mitsubishi Lancer (Grey) ES CJ MY10 4 door Sedan CVT AUTO 6-speed sequent. Mileage:131209km. REGO valid till 15/06/2019. The last service has done a month ago, replaced with a new battery. Current tyres were purchased and installed last year.
Oversea student here. Purchased the car in 2015 from a dealer- Byrne Ford-Chermside. Regularly used with good driving habits since then, mostly driven between home (Eight Mile Plains) and school campus (QUTKelvin Grove campus & QUT Gardens Point campus).
Selling it due to moving overseas for work, the vehicle is in good condition, no hail damage, no smoking inside the car, always park in the garage at night. All service records are kept. If you are interested, welcome to come and have a look. Contact me with the number: 0420-260-700.