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[育教娱乐] 请问布里斯班哪有军品店啊?

sphinx2 发表于 2011-8-24 23:41:43 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
lililll 发表于 2011-8-27 02:02:54 转发到朋友圈 申请置顶 删帖
本帖最后由 lililll 于 2011-8-27 02:05 编辑

买武器之间先要 拿证(强制安全)  参加射击俱乐部 或者有 大面积农场
找武器店的话 直接在GOOGLE 搜索 或者 查黄页 很多的。
弓箭不用证件 不过也挺好玩的~ 60磅的复合弓 力量也不错。

Getting Started in the sport

Despite recent changes in legislation, getting involved in the exciting sport of pistol shooting is still a fairly straight forward process. It's extremely safe and fun for all the family.   Anyone from the age of 11 can compete. Under 18's will require parental / guardian (who are a licenced club member) consent.

For Non-Weapons License holders

Step 1 Download and complete form QP515 from the QLD Police website. or Police Station.
Take this completed application into police at Police Station.
NOTE: If you hold a current firearms license, you do not need a QP515
Step 2 When a 'Form 36' is received by applicant from the Police.
Step 3 Bring the Statement of Eligibility (Official 'Form 36'), obtained from police, and your two character references and Queensland Photographic Identity (i.e. Queensland Drivers License) to the Metropolitan Pistol Club on Monday or Wednesday nights from 6 pm. (NB. The two character reference letters. These can be from anyone, be it family, friends, work colleges, neighbours who have known you for at least 2 Years.)
Step 4 Complete a Metropolitan Pistol Club application form in front of either the Club Captain or
Step 5 Pay (Cash or Cheque) Non-refundable Joining Fee ($50.00)
Step 6 Attend and complete Club Induction course. (Induction must be completed before commencing coaching or shooting on ranges)
Step 7 Coaching held every Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm. (Weapons issued at 6 pm. from Club House.)
Step 8 Induction Course held in club house 1st. Monday every Month at 6 pm. Contact and book with Dave Shaxson (Club Captain) Ph. 0412 265 460.
Membership applications presented (by Club Captain) to Committee Meeting 2nd. Monday Monthly.
N.B. You may attend the Induction Course after completing Application Form.
(Bring eye and ear protection to induction.)
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