Teacher 发表于 2023-2-22 11:17:07
中文简历:我叫Victor, 昆士兰州注册数学和科学教师,目前全职工作于本地中学,主教7到10年级数学和科学,以及11,12年级的学生提供数学方面的针对性辅导。我的本科专业是医药科学,2008年毕业于南澳弗林德斯大学。我的研究生专业是教育学,2016年毕业于南澳大学。此外,我有五年的全职教师工作经验,曾于2019年在北领地顶尖的贵族学校(St Philip’s College)工作,并赢得优秀教师奖项。本人的教学严格遵循国家教育大纲,教学以培养学术能力为主,致力于以小班的模式提高学生的学习能力, 以及提供一对一私教课。联系方式(WeChat:hoi1984 Facebook: Hoi Chuhui)
English resume: My name is Victor, I am a registered Maths and Science Teacher in Queensland. I mainly teach Maths and Science from Y ear 7 to 10. And, I can offer tutoring to Year 11 and 12 Maths students. Regarding my academic background, I graduated from Flinders university obtaining Bachelor of Medical Science in 2008. And, I graduated from University of South Australia obtaining Master of Teaching in 2016. I have 5 years’ teaching experience, I have ever worked in top level private school in Northern territory(St Philip’s College) and I won the Good Teacher Award. My teaching strictly follows the Australian curriculum and tend to be exam oriented. I hope to use small class size to improve students’ academic grades. If you are interested, feel free to contact Facebook Hoi Chuhui or WeChat hoi1984. |
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